Wednesday, October 14, 2009

On being doomsday

Inhabiting this internet dominating age, we are bombarded by all sorts of uncensored message and information from various media everyday. Am not talking about the porn, but more of pseudo science fiction which are not so fiction anymore.

Golden example, was having a hi tea conversation with my colleagues and the topic of discussion is about the latest movie advert dominating the gigantic billboard near Phileo Damansara called 2012. I knew nuts about the movie but frankly i love to watch earth doomsday kinda disaster movie (Armageddon, The day after tomorrow etc.) and getting stirred to heightened exhilarating sensory awareness.

In case you dont know, 2012 is a doomsday movie based on the Mayan's calendar. It describes the last day in the Mayan's system on December 21, 2012, in which the earth will be aligned with the sun and the center of the Milky Way for the first time in more than 26,000 years. Now, the thing is, the 2021 myth which was widely spread by this website called "Institute of Human Continuity" has become a religion to many. It irks me that people followed the prophecy religiously in the name of science.

What on earth does this has to do with science?

There are no doubts that Mayans were great astronomers and their calender is more accurate than Gregorian calendar. However, the Mayan Prophecy is wholly based on the assumption that something bad is going to happen when the Mayan calendar runs out. And by forcefully associating the date to doomsday scenario referring to Nibiru collisions, a galactic alignment and solar flare is scientifically unacceptable.

Will the doomsday come one day? According to religious point of view, according to science, according to natural law, yes, of course! Every creation has an end, the only thing which is certain in life is death anyway. But if you think from another perspective, no matter the Doomsday comes or not, our lives is at stake everyday. Who can guarantee that he/she will not die in a road accident or Tsunami or obesity before the doomsday come. If thats the case, why are we felt so threatened by the internet rumors as though the solar flare is the only risk in our life.

Funnily, its not just my scientific thoughts being 'offended', my christianity believes was challenged as well.

Being a Christian, it never ceased to amuse me everytime when some Christian extremist try to relate the Goodnews to the judgement day/Armageddon and follow the so called salvation theology religiously.

"We Christians are not afraid at the doomsday because we will be rapture during Jesus second coming before the happens....." quoting bernama.

What a bunk!

If thats the reason which prompted someone to believe in God, which is by incultivating the fear factor, then i have nothing to say but God bless you.


Anyway, just a string of uncensored thought stirred from a high tea conversation.


Kennee said...

Woo... i can't wait for that movie!!! Gotta love all this doomsday kinda movie...
Btw nanged ya post on innit and also clicked on ya ads oredi... ^^

Pike-chan said...

Looking forward to watch the movie and by the 2010 date is here and pass... everything is just like normal....

manglish said...

i am waiting for the movie too...but i am sure i wont be able to watch it here...sob sob....