Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The dark age

Clear all my post just now, tons of them, to my surprise, no hard feelings, just a lil' bit numb.... i'm not trying to erase all those memories and happening in my life, cuz' they had shaped me to the person i am today. I just wanna create a hiding place, a place where time and space will not be the limiting factor anymore, a place where love and hatred met, a place where no clear boundry between the right and wrong, a place where there are no rules and laws bonded, a place where i can expressed all my feelings freely without any string attached, a place of my own , my lost world, atlantis.

i will not recommend this site to anyone, even my friends, cuz' i don't want them to be too shocked for the ugliness and emptiness in the real me, so if you happened to view this page, you can drop a line for me as a stranger, or you can pass by without leaving a trace, cuz' we will never met each other anyway...

welcome to my lost world, atlantis

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