Friday, June 10, 2005

Let me go

This is a place called Atlantis,
my lost world, my solitude, my one and only refuge,
Its a place that i really wanna say all my thoughts out,
Its a place that i am free to vent all my frustration and anger,
Its a place that i share my true happiness.

its supposed to stay lost and undiscovered forever,
but somehow i lose my guard,
and i let some people come into my territory,
i block my consciousness for a while,
and let others dwell into my most privacy,
cuz'i trust them wont do any harm to me.

But eventually i was wrong,
instead of trying to understand me,
they crash me down and burnt me,
they drown me in and choke my last breath away,
they take away all my belief and faith,
they snap away my last hope.

and now i have nothing left behind,
i have lose the courage to believe again,
i have lose all the trust i build for 10 years,
i have lose someone that once meants an awful lot to me.

so, from now on i am just myself,
i dont have friends anymore,
i will have to go strong and carry on,
and i have to say no to those hurt me
i have to close my doors from those who tore me apart,
cuz' thats the only way i can survive.

so, if you still grab a piece of me,
please let me go,
please free me from this suffocation,
if you once were my friends long time before,
i beg you to just let me go.

this is my lost world,
you can come in if only you really care for me.
or else, leave me alone,
i deserve other things that better than your sympathy.


Avant'Garde said...

Susan susan susan...

Lemme guess... did someone disclosed your secret blog website to public? It seems so, from your modern poem.

You are let go.

Atlantisian said...

well, lets just say the person whom i trust so much judge me and critize my personal stuff in his blog. and its quite harsh...