Sunday, February 27, 2005

Good bye to you

Dear Joe,

it has been a great pleasure knowing you.

you are such a charismatic person, with endless craps and crazy ideas that ordinary people won't even thought of, does this makes you more annoying compare to others? NO! not a single bit, you are most adorable... you have a sensitive soul and a sharp intuition, to be precise, it's your personality that makes you shine, well, i must say your decent outlook is a surplus.

Your braveness always amazed and intrigues me, i mean you can flew to australia and came back unexpectedly, leaving the great educational opportunity behind in the name of love, you must have BIG guts to do so, go to the hell with the 50K! i don't think you gave that a damned s**t right? and now, leaving your kokker friends and love ones and set your foot to conquer Penang! Bravo man!!

i dunno how to say this, but your incredible unpredictable attitude really had leave some impact in my heart, sometime i think i just have to do what my heart tells me, don't care what the heck others will think about this, although it maybe stupid or not worth it in other's eyes, but at least i have tried, i had live my life.

do you know what my REAL passion and purpose for life?
it's to love and to be love, i just don't dare to admit loudly infront of others, what a coward i am. you are the first person know this, please swear to keep it as secret.

have a safe journey, i will miss you so much, sincerely.


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