Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Its a cookie cutter world

Human comes in a myriad of colors, needs, background, ethnics, ability and ambitions. We are so different from each other, yet we all living in this cookie cutter world that shaped us into similar being. We've been taught to be a good person by our parents, since we were young, we've been bombarded by tons of media influence everyday, we view beautiful as good and ugly as bad, we think that the earth revolves around us and that we are always right and others dont understand us when they dont agree with us.

Think about the people we marginalize just because they are different from us. We call some people as cult when their frame of religious believe does not fit into ours; we call the mainstream as tradition followers without even looking at the their life quality which is beyond the conventional; we call some people as sinner or lost when we dont even know that we too, sin every second or minutes; We call some people sluggish and non performers and we moves too fast and unwilling to slow down to wait for others.

Previously i was labeled or 'called' by some other people as bookworm, show off/fake, dominant etc., and the funny thing is when i confronted them, it seems like the reason is always because i didnt fit into their perception on how 'Susan' ought to be. Do i really need to prove myself that i am worthy of their expectation?

Our judgment and opinion are all based on our own set of assumptions and deduction. We judge a person based on fitness against our parameter, appearance, short encounter and glimpses which vaguely represent the reality.

In the end, who will fit into YOUR cookie cutter?

Or.. you are making a cookie cutter for others too?

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