Thursday, September 09, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Tomorrow is the first day of Raya, so am taking the chance to say "Selamat Hari Raya" to all my malay colleagues!

So here come the grand plan of what i'll do during the Raya holiday:
However.... (there is always a however), i will need to mop the floor, scrub the tiles, plaster the unfilled holes in between the tiles, polish the window, and do thousands of other cleaning work first before i can move in.

So dont call me out for breakfast/ movie/ lunch/ dinner/ shopping for the next few days, cuz the lady is going to be full time cleaning lady!!


Dorcas said...

wah, so you guys are having holidays again lar?? soo suang!!!!
and big congrates on the house,please take lots and lots of photos.

Pike-chan said...

happy moving and congrats on the new place...

Anonymous said...

nydpirazelodximdhipl, justin bieber baby, rfscrru.

ANGEL_onLINE said...

i wanna go to your house warming!!!

manglish said... pls :)

Atlantisian said...

Dear Dorcas, pikey, Mang: Its still bare now, so nothing much to show. But yes, will post some pic very soon.

Angie: hahaha... need to wait for another half a year i guess. I'll need to plan to buy furniture first.

chloe-kohyee said...

back to ur old job :p