Saturday, August 06, 2005

just a thought

astonishing picture. mind stimulating words.

The picture reminds me of a line that Joe once wrote.
"Do you believe there is a lmit to how fast man can run?"

To be truth, i do belive that there is a limit to everything. (well, there is one thing which last for eternity~God's love.) so is this confined and shallow thoughts is the restraining force that prevent me from going far? from being the best i can be? (well, of course, if everything is limitless, then i can never be the best, as there will be no defining end for what the best will be.)

our attitude detemines our altitude

i guess it is true, our mind and will determine the output and the fruit we bore. but i think i dont have that determination or capacity to have great success in my life, i dont crave for fancy life nor a name that will be remembered forever. i only have a tiny and simple purpose and passion for life, to love and to be loved. and you tell me that's noble of me.

But to love someone, it takes my whole life to do that; and to be loved by someone, i will have everything in this whole world.

i am nobody, not micheal jordon, nor micheal johnson. i am only a girl who dreams for everything in this world, that is to be only loved by someone.

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