Sunday, August 14, 2005


well, sometime i'm just wondering...

is blogging do more good than harm?

i remember those days when i'm still blogging in multiply, which is the most no-privacy-at-all blogsite that i've ever known. i am brutally and honestly say out all my thoughts and mind without any refinement. i talk about my passion for music, my constant depression, my purpose in life, anything that come across my mind. and yes, i did felt satisfied when i was able to express myself in a way that i am more comfortable and organized since i'm not very good at speaking. in fact it serve as a way for me to vent my frustration and tension as well.

But the problems come in when people started to see me in different ways after they read my blogs. Some may kind enough to agree with what i am thinking. But some just feel that i'm faking up myself cuz sometime they cant relate the me in the words and the me in the reality.

and this leads to one thing that i hate the most. judging me.

am i really contradicting myself with my words and my action? dont worry, i am sure that i dont have distorted personality although i do think that sometime i am quite paradoxing. But who cares, i may sound different in this blog from the person that you have known for years. well, maybe you just dunno me well enough.

Is blogging really a free channel where people can say anything out without having to think or responsible for the consequences? Do we really have the freedom to say and write everything we want in blogs? well, thats comes to the defination of freedom. what freedom means to you? to do anything you want to do?

for me, freedom is not doing something that i dont want to do.

i wouldnt want to cause any nuisence or making others having unpleasant feelings or feel offended after reading my words. cuz it will be a violation of my freedom.

Therefore i shall only keep all the secrets and the dark side of mine in my lost world, atlantis. and only share it with a few people that i trusted wholeheartly and confidence that they will never felt disturbed with whatever craps that i wrote.

yeah, i'm referring to you.

words are the voice of the heart~Confuscious

Ps: did a stupid test.
I am 29% Asshole/Bitch.
Part Time Asshole/Bitch.
I may think I am an asshole or a bitch, but the truth is I am a good person at heart. Yeah sure, I can have a mean streak in me, but most of the people I meet like me.


Anonymous said...

I am 24% Asshole/Bitch.
Not an Asshole or a Bitch.
You are not an asshole or a bitch, more like an asshole and bitch target. You have no backbone, and fold at even a slightly insincere look. Stop crying, you wuss.


- Peter

Atlantisian said...

hehehe, i'm more bitcher than you....