B-L-O-0-D-Y exam!
I really hate the fact that sometimes a person's self esteem is depends entirely on how well he/she done in the exam. If you did badly in exam, you are no one. well, sometime its not about how other people look at you, but its how u judge yourself uncounsciously based on the marks that gained in the exam. its funny yet true that how easily our emotional state can be manipulated by those numbers.
this is sucks! now i'm not only feel sorry for doing bad in exam but also feel pathetic cuz i'm easily agitated and disturbed by the system.
Maybe its not entirely about the exam, to be precise its the fact that the marking system which utilizes 'numbers' that makes it the most solid way to value a person is pathetic. If the person is successful in life, well, how did people measure and define 'success'? normal one will certainly goes for how
MANY car he has? how
MANY figures he earns a month? how
MANY condo he has? ok, maybe you will think its the quality of life that's matters not the quantity. then, how
MANY friends he has? how
MANY good things he had done to the community? how
MANY hours he spent with his family a week?
its ironic that the quality itself can be measured by quantity.
Cant really deny the fact that 'numbers' is the best way to measure the value of something, in fact it can be the most efficient and precise way. We can even apply the statistical analysis to count out what are the standard deviation and error in order to justify the appropriateness of our measurement.
imagine one day if people speak like this.
Abu: So Ali hows your day today?
Ali: i have spent 4:15(std dev.0.02) hours feeling happy, while 19:45 (std dev.0.43)hours feeling sad. According to ANOVA test(T=0.02,p=0.005,df=10), there is a significance difference(P>0.05) of 63.75% between feeling happy and feeling not happy, therefore, my conclusion is i am not happy today.
it seems like the world is stuck with figures.
anyway, i know the topic deviates again. and yes, i still hate exam and i'm 100% sure of it. No need to apply ANOVA test to prove that.
Ps: dont ask me how did i know how to do statistical analysis, i do the calculation everyday, B-L-O-O-D-Y scientific reports.