Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Level 75 and going strong!

This is a geeky post, you can close this page now if you don't like computer games. 

I was facebook-less for more than 28 years of my life, until recently my friend can stand no more of my stubbornness she went ahead create an account for me. 

"It doesnt matter if you don't use it actively, just use it to see our pictures online", my friend said. Well, that's true, as Gods know since when everyone started to post picture online as though the word "privacy" never existed. And 99% of the time I have no idea what donkey pictures of me my friends had showcased to the rest of the world. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to write about today. 

Back in those face-bookless days, I did felt left out at times when all my friends are busy seeding, planting and harvesting crops in their virtual world. To make it worse, i am a BIG FAN of time management games like farmville. However its ridiculous to create a facebook account just because I wanted to play those games. I am way too proud to do that.

Then I found Farmerama, which is a farming games that doesn't required a facebook account to play. Since that day onwards, I'm hooked. I spent countless of hours on my farm, clicking and clicking non stop, repeating the cycle of seeding, watering, planting, harvesting, selling etc. everyday. But I'm not alone here, there were like millions of players out there from different corners of the world who farm religiously like me everyday. I have 24 "neighbours" and we chat every now and then. And the funny thing is I have a pair of  husband and wife and a player who have 2 farms in my neighbour panel!

My farms!!! Click on the picture to see in full size 

When it first started, Peter was greatly annoyed with my never ending clicking. There was one time, I went away with my girlfriends for an overnight trip to Malacca. When I called my dear husband that night, the first thing I said to him was:

"can you help me to plant?" 

And that sent him to a fit of rage. 

Anyway, we have reconciled and established a mutual understanding. I can click till the cow goes home as long as he is still the first in my life. ;)  

A few weeks ago, I celebrated a great achievement of Level 75, and my name was published on the honors board. 

Yeah yeah, I am such a show off. 

1 comment:

Xav_Kim said...

cool, Im not dare to play PC games anymore, this is one of my weakness spot, ever played online PC games non-stop 72 hrs during Uni days!!!