Monday, March 12, 2012

Baking Addiction1: Caramel Brownie

It has almost become a norm that there will be some photos /post of my baking addiction after every weekend.

So here comes my most recent (last Saturday) spur of the moment caramel brownie. How the combination came about is simply because i love brownie and i love caramel, separately on its own. Well, what's the harm of combining two of my favourite food into one? I'll get double happiness!

I never realized that it is so simple to make caramel sauce. It was so easy and fast that I cant believe people willing to spend like 20 over bucks for a bottle of caramel sauce. But bear in mind that, caramel sauce is definitely not for health-cautious people. Its made of all the fatty ingredients: SUGAR, BUTTER and CREAM!!!

I followed this simple recipe from Youtube. 

1. Simmer 1 cup of granulated sugar over low heat in a pot until the sugar turns into brown liquid. Keep stirring using a whisk to prevent the layer underneath from burning
2. Move the pot away from the stove and add in 6 tablespoon of unsalted butter
3. whisk until dissolved, add in cream, continue whisking until it turn into creamy brown caramel sauce. 
4. Cool it down for 5 minutes then pour it into air tight jar

The end product tasted exactly like the off the shelf caramel sauce from supermarket. I add a teaspoon of it to my coffee and it tasted like Starbucks coffee. * floating on cloud nine * 

For the brownies, I followed recipe from my favourite baking website, I love the fact that the baker gives very detailed description, no room for ambiguous.  

This is a very moist brownie recipe, if you like dense and rich texture, then this recipe is the perfect one! You can get the details of the recipe at The only part which I have improvised was the type of chocolate. I used dark compound chocolate and dark cocoa powder (Vanhouten) instead of the semi-sweet ones. Well, do cut down the sugar portion if you want it to be less sweet. For some reason, the recipe created by the Caucasian are usually pretty sweet by Asian (or maybe its only me) standard. Maybe they have a sweeter tooth than us. ;)

So here comes the end product.

The rick chocolate brownie drizzled with caramel sauce, a match made in heaven. The plating above is for photo-shooting purpose, the plate below is for my consumption.

With extra caramel sauce!!!!


Serenity said...

Oh my .... you have captured my heart with the two of my most favorite things to eat for sweets! The no-no of deserts, the tempting, delicious, decadent desire of extreme tastiness!
Thank you,

Atlantisian said...

Hi Serenity!! Happy to see you here!! looks like we are not only having the same interest in online games, but also in food!!!
