Thursday, August 06, 2009


Just a short announcement here.

If you received any email from my yahoo account at this morning. Please kindly DELETE it!

Thanks to Wangyue for his kind reminder.

In fact, when i checked my corporate email, i found out that even i've received it myself at my corporate email account. The thing is it didnt occur to me that it's maybe a virus or what, i was thinking how on earth that i'm receiving an email from myself.

And i clicked on the link without second thought

Ok, my pc didnt crashed or puffing out smoke.

The fact is the realization (that it might be a virus) only hit me hard after the involuntary reflex. I might have lost my 3 years worth of works/data which i stored in my working pc, if its not because of this person, my colleague-Anthony, who is also the system administrator of my company. For the first time in the history, i'm so thankful to him for blocking all the .exe sites, of course, along with hundreds of other websites such as,, etc.

* Sigh *


Canette Hitto said...

whenever you see the ".exe" file, it should be virus

Dorcas said...

i dun think any of your friends will click the link and hence get the virus lar...not because we're smart, but because it reads HELO. Imagine if it reads something like..."want to see my naughty side?" ( I'm being very conservative here, but you get what i mean ), and that may leads to a lot of virus infestation among the receiver!! hahah!!