Thursday, December 10, 2009

Becoming 30

Lately, i was talking to different people at different occasion but it was all about the same topic- becoming 30.

Whenever someone raised the topic (unintentionally), my observation is that there is always the same pattern of response. First, everyone will start to nod their head and cant wait to echo with 'amen'. Some will act a bit edgy and soon submerged into depression mode, then followed by the reminiscence epic on "those are the days....", finally the conversation ends with someone letting out a long sigh.

There are also times when the conversation just simply dies off cuz its a silent understanding that no matter how much we fret about getting old and we mourned about the end of our youthful days, we still have to face the fact that its coming, willingly or by force.

Most of friends who are in late 20's, shudder at the thought of stepping into the world of 30 (++) years old uncle and auntie. But i find that ironically, at one hand we fret that clock is clicking too fast, but on another hand we rush to do more things as though we cant wait to become 30's. Remember how we rushed through our secondary school life to get a car license or a boyfriend? how we rushed through college thinking what job to go for when we are out there, and when we finally landed with a job, we start to plan to get next promotion. And at mid 20s, we rushed to get our first 10k, then 100k, then a car, then a house, ohh... not forgetting getting hitched and some toddles by chance. In a nutshell, we work our days in and out so that we can be happily settled at 30s.

But what about living the moment? for that particular of time/phase of your life and enjoy it to the fullest? Sometimes, we rush for wanting to get the next thing which may not be necessary during that point of time.

So is it that sad to become 30? Frankly i dont think so.... if we know how to live the moment and embrace what life gotta offer to us during that stage.

I guess its no longer secret that I have only 4 years to go before i'm qualified for such entitlement. But apart from the extra wrinkles and loosening of muscle tone, am actually welcome the idea of becoming 30s.

I dont feel the need to return to or prolong the estrogen pumping, insecurity and emotional days of my 20s. There are only so many heartbreaks, so many 12 hours a day 6 days a week working madness a girl can take. My life is good, i have good job, good friends, good love relationship and so there are no need for me to dwell in my sweet 20s any longer than it should.

Responsibilities aside, i think 30s is when the true harvesting started. I had learn enough and work enough (and pak tor enough) to be in the state i'm in or with the person i'm with today. I can afford to splurge on a fancy dinner one night without ripping a hole in my budget; i can stay at home potato couch-ing the entire Saturday without worrying of being a loser for not having any plans for weekend; On those cold rainy night, i can cuddled with my love and sigh in contentment instead of msn-chatting with some stranger to fill the blackhole of loneliness inside..

So happy birthday dear, you still have 2 years to go before the sweet 30 comes, but be assure that i'll be there to have the fancy dinner with you, lying on the couch watching tele with you and cuddle you tight through cold rainy night.


manglish said...

you know wat dey always said 30 are just numbers...hahahahah i always forget that i am 36 and have to keep reminding myself like a daily affirmation or something :)

Xav_Kim said...

the world of 30 (++) years old uncle and auntie

Am I look likes uncle? bit offended lol

Indeed, I'm UNCLE

Dorcas said...

my dad always say, you can either grow old, or drop dead.
and you either embrace one, or the other!!
Pick your poison!! hehe!
happy b'day peter!

CH Voon said...

hehehe i always think i am 18

Peter said...

Thanks Dorcas :)