Friday, August 10, 2012

Vamps and Extraterrestrial

Life has been busy but contenting. 

When I'm associating busy with contentment, you know that I'm doing something which I really enjoy. Like baking, singing, travelling and etc. I will talk about my short ad hoc trip to Singapore in my next post, but this post is all about...reading. Yes, you heard me right, I was and still am busy reading. In fact, I have been staying at home every night after work since last week, lying on my sofa or bed all the time, while reading books till 1 or 2 in the morning. 

And the culprit to my abnormal behavior is the Vamp series which I bought last year but never had the time to read it. Sometimes we like to think that reading is a way to kill free time, but hear it from me, when you are hooked, reading kills all your time and you won't think twice to sacrifice other priorities (like your sleeping time) just to satisfy the crave to read. So I'm pretty much sleep deprived now.

When I first laid my eyes on House of Night series, I was hooked. I read while I'm on the go, so the book was lying on the floor, my bed, sofa... literally everywhere, so I can pick up the story from where I left off, wherever I am. This is the fourth series of vampire related novels which I'm completely addicted to. It started with the Sookie Stakehouse series, then Twilight and The Vampires Diaries. And my latest craze was the novel by PC Cast, which follows the adventures of Zoey Redbird, a sixteen-year-old girl who has just become a "fledgling vampyre" and is required to attend the House of Night boarding school, hence the name of the novel series- House of Night.

Peter said I'm addicted to vamps, which I sorta agrees with, but don't equate me to I-love-Robert-Pattinson lunatics. I like to read Vamps stories because they are intriguing and defies all the human sense (well, since they are not human anyway). The story line is unpredictable hence makes it super addicting. And the thrill of wanting to find out what's next will make you keep on reading it.

Another interesting thing is all the novels has the same mysterious elements like bloodlust (lust for human blood), imprinting (when a Vamp drink from the a human, they develop a certain emotional connection), undead (basically alive without soul) etc. which really fascinates me. Its as though there some kind of Vamp logic whereby all the authors follows the same glossary or framework. Do you know that a vamp cannot enter a house without the owner inviting him/her in? or their fangs release anti-coagulants which prevents the blood from clotting (like the leech) while they sucking blood? how cool is that!

But again, I'm not totally a vamp lunatic, because I like extraterrestrial themed novel as well, like Stephenie Meyer's The Host. Wanderer is an alien (like a soul) from another planet whom its species had invaded the earth and took over (or inhabited) Melanie Stryder's body, but she refuses to fade away. Wanderer starts to see Melanie's memories, where she sees her loved ones and eventually finds a connection with them, too. Melanie is "trapped" inside Wanderer's mind, speaking to her mentally, when both decide to set off and find their loved ones.

Believe me, it's 100 times better than Twilight. The movie "The Host" is coming out early next year and I cant wait to see it! and I sincerely hope that its not as sucky as the Twilight. Well, at least Stewart and Pattinson are not in it, so its already a plus point.

Screenshot from The Host: Wanderer and Ian.

Ian and Wanderer. I totally heart the Wanderer character in the Host. According to the book, the wanderer was the purest soul, and i think Saoirse Ronan has the look to carry the character. 

Anyone else are into Vamp or extraterrestrial themed novels? I hope I'm not the only weird one here. ;)


Nana said...

I will never understand your vamp fetish!

Atlantisian said...

hahahah.. ask elena she understand !!

Dorcas said...

into vamp or into looking forever young and immortals.....?!