Monday, October 24, 2011

Embrace ambiguity

The rain continues to pour mercilessly in Thailand. Sometimes, it makes you wonder will it ever stop. Not just the rain, but also the quakes, the suffering, the uncertainty, the ambiguity, and the march towards end time.

Frankly, i still don't know what's my part to play in this grandeur plan of life, suffering, end time and eternity.
To make it worse, ambiguity is my biggest enemy as i'm the type of person who cannot tolerate having no certainty towards what's ahead of me. I need to know whether my bank account has sufficient to pay off my car loans next month; i need to know where my career will lead me in another year time; I need to know even the weather forecast, so that i can plan my journey and prevent from stuck in jam. Don't get me wrong, its great to micro-managing, as it clears off nearly 80% of all the short term ambiguities. However the approach does not relief me from the macro ambiguities in life which i have no control over, and these ambiguities have far more impact than just being immobile in heavy traffic for a few hours.  

English words is so rich in its essence that sometime the word alone tells a story. The root word of "Ambiguity" is "amble" in Latin, which means wanderer. In the state of ambiguous is like wandering around, without a clear purpose. However, there is always a boundaries or a scope of the act of wondering around. The planets wonder around the sun, the electrons wonder around the atom, the molecules wonder around the being. and somewhere in my spiritual journey, I realized that as long as I have a clear purpose in life, I may wondering around, I may divert from the road, but I will still reach the final destination. 

In this age of ambiguities where mass disasters occurs every other day, many have taken the step of faith, relieve from work and step into the battle zone itself to serve the needy. I have nothing but admiration for them, especially the brethren from Christian Disciples Church at Thailand. They loaded their vehicles with survival kits and went all the way to Chainat to deliver the goods to the areas which do not have access to government aid. Their courages is great, their compassion is real, their stoic attitude in the face of unexpected is the true testimony of their faith. They were the ones who embrace the ambiguities with open hearts as they know where their final destination is. 

If you like to contribute monetarily, do go to their website @ Love the Needy. I can also help to assist you in donation if you want less hassle. But sorry folks, i dont know whether you can claim a tax break for this or not, but let us do this in the true spirit of compassion and charity. 

1 comment:

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