Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Back to normal life

I need a haircut.

And that's the first sign of going back to my normal life. Shorter hair= boring hairstyle= but hair wont fall or entangle so easily = easy to manage = normal me and normal life

My makeup artist forbid me from going for haircut for months as i have thin volume of hair. So i had this long fringes infront of my face which i need to use some flowery pin to clip it to the side which makes me look a tad too girly.

I'm gonna miss the flowery pin.

Anyway, wedding was good, a BIG turning point in my life. It kept my mind occupied for the past 1 year. A year before, I thought the day will never come as there were so much waiting and contemplating along the process. It almost felt like silly to plan for something one year ahead. But then it happened, really happened. And it was done and over.

wow. Am now officially back to my normal life, except now with a title of "married".

My colleague asked me a silly question the other day when she saw me at the bistro having breakfast.

"Eh, not cooking breakfast for yourself and your husband meh" She said.


I told her she is kolot (old fashion in another word). if husbands of this age still expect their wife to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for them everyday without fail, then they should pay their wife, Cuz you pay money to maid to do this kinda of thing for you. In fact, my husband was sleeping soundly like a pig when i left for work every morning (he works at home most of the time). Its kinda amusing that we still harbour the stereotypic belief on the definition of wife / husband whereby you are a wife/ husband, because you cook & clean / working hard & is the bread winner.

Sometimes, we also have certain perception on how the marriage life should be, we expect a BIG transformation of no-more-2-person-but-together-as-1 sort of life. But trust me, when you really are in it, it felt actually kinda same. Its almost felt like NORMAL.

Well, in a way, i am glad that everything is back to normal again.


Dorcas said...

yeah, back to the short hair suming that i used to know! For me, i think marriage gives me a lot of freedom. You can eat on the bed if you want to, you can sleep until 12 if you feel like, you can watch Lord of the rings marathon for the whole weekend, you can go for holiday at the last minutes, go for a drive through at Mac Donald at 3am ...no one is gonna say NO to you. no more nagging mother, control freak landlord... as long as you can ask your husband to do the same as you. HAHAHA.
I am gonna miss this kind of lifestyle once the "gargoyle " arrived!! So you enjoy now.
Say Hi to peter for me.

Xav_Kim said...

Enjoy ur new chapter of life which is not much different as described by U, Mrs J.
When invite us to place little kennel for a simple meal? ( pls NO pizza)

atlantisian said...

Dear Dorcas. i am pretty sure am will enjoy the freedom as you are. All the best to your pregnancy journey!

Kim, yeah yeah, no pizza. Maybe will do a christmas open house. After my kitchen is done. :) In the mean time, if you happen to be around Genting klang area, just give me a call la, you are always welcome.