Monday, April 12, 2010

18 SX (perhaps)

I know its rare that i blogged twice a day, but i came across something super funny during my marriage preparation course yesterday which i'm dying to blog, and seriously it has been quite some times since my fingers itched to blog so much.

The topic we had yesterday was "Sex and Marriage", before your adrenaline starts to pump and your throat goes dry, no, they didnt teach what's the best position and how to keep the sexual relationship fun and alive. Its very much theoretical based sex education on what sex should be, sacred, intimacy, a way of communication, a means to give yourself..... Ok, you get the picture.

However, the speaker got the science totally wrong and he went on and on telling about it. The speaker said that sex is exclusive for married couple only (which i agreed), and sleeping around without any attachment is like reducing your whole being to sex organ cuz you let your organ senses rules over your heart and head (which i agreed, but a bit funny, try to imagine a being with no limbs, no face but sex organ). ok, here comes the funny part:
During sexual intercourse, there will be an exchange of DNA and particularly the male's DNA will be left circulating in the female's bloodstream, hence no-string-attached sex can never be a total detached act.
That's when my eyes widen like this (O_O) and i had to contain my laughter so hard from escaping my mouth. It even funnier that other couples looked so serious and went on nodding their head in total agreement.

Of course i get the message which the speaker was trying to convey but he got the facts totally wrong. Sexual intercourse doesn't involve transfer of DNA (or the way Manglish would pronounce it Di-O-C-Rai-Bo-New-Click Eh-Sit), unless its a fusion between the egg and the sperm. The sperm which contains male's heriditary material will be dead and flushed out of women's body in matters of hours if its fertilization doesnt occur. And male's DNA can never enter into female blood stream unless the sperm have certain super-sperm ability which can break through the barriers of arteries and veins and swim right into women's blood circulation. Even if we really want to be anal about it and insist that during sex union, male's DNA (contained in sperms) do enter to woman's body, but seriously do you know how much of external DNA our body takes in everyday? the food- meat, vege that we eat, airborne bacteria which we breathed in, they all contain DNA, and the beauty is our body has restriction enzyme which is able to breakdown foreign DNA. Transfer of genetic material can only occur from parents to children or through gene theraphy.

Seriously, the only organism which exchange DNA during so called intercourse is bacteria, through bacteria conjugation. So now are we reducing our whole being to single-cell organism?


இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Dunno much about transference of DNA during [..] but I heard couples holding hands can get pregnant, really? tQ

manglish said...

i need to digest the no string attached part a little it really no string attached? ok wait i cant think now it is 722am in the morning and i just finish my breakfast hahahaha....let me chew on it and maybe write a post also hahahaah....