Saturday, April 08, 2006

content part 2

'I may have looked lonely, but I never felt insignificant or alone. Sometimes letting my mind wander and I was suddenly glad it was just me. I'm very rarely alone in the sense that another person's physical presence is usually with me. Then again, sometimes no matter where I go or who I'm with, I'm alone. I can be in a room with a hundred people and still I'm completely alone."
~I felt alive, Jan 22, '05 3:01 PM,

that's what i wrote a year ago in my first blog, when i looked at the verse today, i still find the contented feeling within me when i am alone, yeah, the solitude, the loneliness still moved me the same way as a year before. I think living in UK for a year didnt really change me much then.

Most of the people measure the sparks and glorious moments in their life with excitement and extreme experiences. For me, the most contented moments in my life are the most typical incidents that happens in daily life.

This morning at 5.58am, while walking down the usual route to M&S, the familiar street that i walked countless times everyday looked alien to me. i guess the texture of night can create an alien landscape, even though you might be in places that are familiar and comfortable during the daytime. And when i looked up the sky, i saw the most astonishing scenery, the moon started to streak as if she is going somewhere, while on the other side of the earth, the sun started to emerge from the horizontal line. I stood in awe, absorbed the sudden peaceful feelings blossomed inside of me, and i am content.

yeah, a new day had began.

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