Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The perfect world of Kai

I am a big manga and anime fan, there is no secret about it. i would shamelessly said that i can easily be an otaku (宅) if i choose to. In fact, Doraemon, Q太郎, Chibi Maruko Chan were all part of my fond childhood memories.

I know many of my friends are obsess about manga and anime as well. Surprisingly, most of them are not 18-years-old-adrenaline-pumping college boys, but professionals workers and managing executives in big companies. Maybe all of us have certain longing in our inner core for things which we couldnt get/achieved during our childhood days, which can be physical (music, toys, food) or emotional (love, attention etc.). Since adulthood comes with freedom and money, its only normal that we start to feed to this craving. However most of the time, what we are really trying to do is re creating a happy childhood.

No wonder people said that in every (wo)man there is a child.

Anyway, was hooked on a manga "The Perfect World of Kai 森林中的钢琴师" for the past few days. Its a tranquil tale about two boys from very different upbringings. Kai who is born as the son of a prostitute, been playing the abandoned piano in the forest near his home ever since he was young. Syuhei, literally spoon fed by the piano as the son of a family of prestigious pianists. The story started with their common bond with the piano that eventually intertwines their paths in life.

Compare to another manga of similar storyline, Nodame Constabile, not many people know this manga cuz its not appealing to the mainstream. Dont get me wrong, i love Nodame, its funny and intense at the same time. Its the first time that i get to know that music can be literally heard with eyes.

Frankly speaking, I love both equally, although some people were put off by the art of "The Perfect World of Kai", of which are less sophisticated and detailed, however its just charming in its own way. If you know 《花田少年史》 (from the same author, 一色真人), then you will know what i am talking about. Its very much like a story telling and thanks to the simplistic artwork, the character stood out evenmore.

Anyway, if you think you would like to have a look please click here to download the first episode (in chinese though). Heard that the movie (not anime) was out as well, anyone know where to download it?


donsam said...

Please let me know if you downloaded... :oP

Xav_Kim said...

i watched this Kai movie version long long time ago...
unfortunately, deleted liao...
forgot where i copied this movie too
According Kai Movie, little boy go 4 piano contest too. I like one of little girl contestant very much. She is sitting on toilet bowl n is playing piano in her bathroom ;p

Atlantisian said...

yeah, somemore hugging kai as if he is her dog. the lastest manga already talk about he went to compete the Mozart competition in Poland. very gan cheong now.