Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Language of God Part 1

I am reading this book by Dr. Francis Collins lately, its called "The Language of God". Dr. Collins is the head of the human Genome project, most of the people may fail to acknowledge and appreciate what he had done, but for me, and the rest of thousands of molecular scientists where they deal with ATGC, the 4 alphabets in and out everyday of their life, he is the person who lays the foundation of all the human genetic research which we had harvested today.

Dr Collins is the one who leads the team of scientists who type out the very first human genetic sequence. The 3 billions letters, one by one, which is the building block of life. In his book there is a paragraph which described the day where this amazing script was announced to the whole world in the east room of white house. ".....Clinton speech began by comparing this human sequence map to map that Meriwether Lewis had unfolded in front of Precident Thomas Jefferson in that very room nearly 200 years earlier. Clinton said: "Without a doubt, this the most important, most wondrous map ever produced by humankind." But the part of his speech that most attracted public attention jumped from scientific perspective to the spiritual. "Today", he said, " we learning the language of God in which God created life. we are gaining ever more awe for the complexity, the beauty, and the wonder of God's most divine and sacred gift".

When i read this, my heart literally stunned. Was i, a rigorously educated and trained science person, taken aback by such a blatantly religious reference by the leader of free world on such a astonishing discovery? No, in fact, my heart echoed with his statement. The achievement of such a milestone, not just signify the starting of great advancement in the human genetics and medicine research, it also strucked me that we have caught the first glimpse of our own manual, written by the God Himself.

Anyway, this is just my thoughts after reading the first chapter, i will write more on subsequent chapters which talks about the harmonization between science and religion, how to confess that your belief when you are a scientist....

To be continue....

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