Friday, January 04, 2008

My Working Life after 4 months

This is the first time i've written such a boring post i guess, nothing on food, music, travel or PMS. I think i have lost my sensuality and sensibility since i am happily 'bercouple' for more than 2 years now. Personally i think, a person can only write heart achingly beautiful words when the person is either:

1. still in the sun-dont-shine-if-you-dont-smile 'madly in love' period, or
2. lonely and desperate for someone to love,or
3. just broke up with boyfriend/girlfriend,or
4. having a long distance relationship

Well, i am not in those categories anymore, which make me a fairly boring person (T.T). However, i've always wanted to write something which is related to my science background, but most of the time it came out to be quite.... BORING. anyway, i've decided to post it, so here come my boring post.

It has been 4 months since I've started to work and 7 months since i came back from UK. A lot of things had happened, but ironically, a lot of things actually didn't happened either. For instance, i am hopping to get a researcher post initially, but unfortunately (or luckily?!?) ended up in a post which i loathed and despised all my life- business development executive. To be truth until now, the word 'business' still reminds me of the salesman who used to knock on my door and hassle me persistently everyday, and the stereotypical business man who always carry business cards in their pocket (well, its kinda sounds like me now), so that they can 'networking' anytime and anywhere.

With all the misconception I've entered the so called business world. However, surprisingly it turns up to be quite interesting. I'm not sure whether it applies to all the industries or not, but for life sciences industry, business life is really challenging. Everyday is a challenging day for me as i have to speak different language with people of different level of professionalism such as government people, doctors and researchers. It requires much more than just fluent English and in depth science knowledge, i have to talk rocket sciences in a way which will not bore them but ignite their interest at the same time communicating the value proposition to them. I am not boasting when i say that part of my job is to 'educate' the 'conventional' researcher who sit comfortably in their office, where their world only revolves around publishing scientific paper. yes, of course its glorious to have your name printed on the journals. However, whats exactly is the value of the paper? so that other researchers can cite your work? what they don't see is that their research work of their blood and sweat can be more than just a academically recognition, it can be a useful application or a solution to a problem in real life which benefits the society and human well being in a bigger picture.

One thing which i have come to realization after 4 months of work, how irrelevant my master is when it comes to the real working environment. 

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