Friday, December 10, 2004

My testimony

i don't like to write testimonial, especially about my life, cuz' it's just damn hard to describe it all through words, but when there ia a little voice in your heart that told you to do so, i think it's better to oblige anyway...

i borned as a christian, raised in a christian family, started to sing in choir in the church at the age of 1 or 2. (can you imagine that? ;p) i was molded by God throughout my 21 years of life and it's a bliss, a bless.

For me, being christian not just a religion, it's not like something that you can read and learn through books, or else you can call yourself a religionist instead of a christian. it's not like something that you can use your brain to figure it out. sometimes, rational or logic just can't applied. it's not a philosophy or superstitious. If christianity is not a religion then it's what?

it's the relationship with god, it's about experiencing the work of god in your life. it's an intimacy, something that is more than a feel, it's a sense of belonginess, a joy of fufillment and a pleasure of being loved.

i mean, i'm a science based student, i study the fact that human decendent from apes (well, if you can't imagine that, just try to recall something like orang utan or those monkey that can talk in the movie 'planet of the apes') But its freaking me out everytime i think about it, my great great great ... grandpa is an APE! o please..... if that's so, why human stop undergoing evolution now? Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution, he is the one that proposed all this, but do you knew that he become a christian before he dies, and saying that he regret for what he had done cuz' eventually the theory is wrong.

Can you believe that human is created by God? with only his breath and a pinch of sand? i believe that, it's a faith, a faith that sees beyond the thing that can be seen.

i still believe.


Anonymous said...

I congratulate, magnificent idea and it is duly

Anonymous said...

Very good phrase