Am extremely busy for the past 1-2 weeks. The thing is i need to spent like 3 days a week for 3 weeks to get myself certified as an IP Manager. I will talk more about this in my subsequent posts. Imagine the amount of work pile up after being absence for so many days. On top of that, i have assignments which involves me visiting MyIPO office, presentation, literature review on topics such as IP valuation. And man, it has been 4 years since i've attended classroom lectures for more than 8 hours in a row, and to make it worse, its not even science related. Strategic planning, product valuation blah blah... All the formulas and financial models such as DCF, cost replacement, Monte Carlo Simulation are really getting on my nerves.
And you know what, once i've been certified, i need to start to implement IP institutionally, according to my dear boss, its my KPI. Damn, who invented this whole KPI thingy! (I do know the person who popularize it in our country though, dear PM, thanks ya! (-___-)
Well, i have another 4 days of training to go next week and two assignments are due next month. The flooring contractor is coming to work on our bedroom's laminate floor this Friday. And i'm going to be a bridesmaid again this sat!
Am pretty much overwhelm by all the works now. so do pardon me for being gibberish.