Friday, November 13, 2009

Medical Anatomy

With my frequent ranting and bitching about my job, i guess its no more secret that i'm currently managing a team in developing a Semantic cum visualisation technology based teaching and learning software for medical anatomy.

A few days ago, my team members and I were in our weekly technical meeting, discussing on the User interface of the software system. As you all know, the best way of brain storming is always through our Master Google. So everyone bring their laptop into the meeting room and surfing for ideas.

Whats in our mind is something like this:

Everyone was professional (FINALLY!!), generously and actively contributing their inputs. All i heard was words of sophisticated and tongue twisting IT jargon, of which 80% i failed to appreciate. But when I stood back and looked at my team, a sense of proudness engulfed me, finally.... my kids have grown up.

Until one of my team member accidently found something interesting on the internet and started to scream at 100 decibel: "holy shit.... this is so cute, come look at this!". Everyone rushed to her side to take a peek at her screen and within seconds, the professional group of software engineers had turn back to a bunch of kids.

In the middle of " ooo... so cute." " kawaiii." ....., I heard the last bit of proudness in me shattered into pieces.

Anyway, this is what they are so excited about: Anatomy of cute toys and stuffed animals by Jason Freeny (

Gummy bears and baloon dogs (click to enlarge)

There's even anatomy for Lego!

Seriously, i think medical students will find learning anatomy is fun if they have these compare to the dull and boring human skeletal model we had in our secondary school's old dark biology laboratory.

Anyway, you can buy those online if you are interested. Pretty neat for a wall paper.


Medie007 said...


but it's more kawaiii if there's something like that in the earlier pictures. :D love those... and they gotta load fast and not lagging. :P

manglish said...

ahhhaha....yes i agree with medie...maybe it is time the medical ppl start looking to make it fun in anatomy...