Monday, May 16, 2011

Virtual Communication

This is a post about the communication using the virtual tools. Some people called it online networking, some called in facebook-ing, some think that its the only way to communicate, some are addicted to it, some cannot live without it. Well, i guess if you are not part of it, people probably going to forget you very soon, because you are the dinosaur of this age, and only fit to be exhibited in museum. "Oh, you are so ANCIENT!" like a 8 years old used to tell me.

And i am still the same ancient person.

I do acknowledge the importance and benefits of what these online tools can do. It makes communication faster, easier, 'cheaper', more fun and creative. And thats why i never stop blogging and forum-ing. And recently i have make a vow to myself that i'll commit more time to what i term as "content writing".

(So this is not an anti-Facebook post, gotcha!)

Content writing is a technical words whereby some freelance writer writes the right content for certain websites and getting paid by doing it. Some people called it content marketing, or copy writing, or content strategy services, but generally the more bombastic it sound, the better it is. Its in a booming phase these days and the industry which depends highly on internet marketing offers very lucrative opportunities for such profession/services. However what i aspired to do got nothing to do with this.

So here comes my enlightment. On and off Peter and I were talking about the issue of mankind, how our world had slowly turned into a place of self destruction, and how the earth which we have inhabited and colonized since thousands of years ago have become a place which is no longer fit for our next generation to grow up and to live and survive. But there are also times we talk about how great it is to have each other, to be able to visit countries which we never visit before, to have intellectual interaction, to have the intellectuality and spirituality so that we can experience deeper and broader.

I have a ball of emotions inside of me which is running wild and shooting at all direction inside of me at times. Sometimes a tiny thing happens to me (maybe just a thought, or someone comments, or even news on the tele) and though its just a petty thing but it triggers a string of emotions in me and consecutively affects my action and the way I react other people. During those moments of time, I felt like I need a channel to talk to someone, an outlet to vent these emotions, but in a positive way, so that whatever i felt didnt just go into 'waste' or left in vain.

I love the process of able to express my thoughts in words which people can comprehend and able to receive feedbacks or echoes in return. The best way to do this is through writing.

Well, is it different from blogging? yeah it is. Cuz the writing is no more focusing on myself, i'm striving to write if not a positive message, then a mind triggering piece, and publish it in a place where it will reach out to bigger crowd. And its not easy as it sounds, cuz i will write about religion, about constitutional believes, about customs, about people relationship, about society and how we conform to it etc. It involves alot of research and it will be a brain consuming activities.

I will start of with a piece which i've did recently for bible study on Christians view on suffering and tribulations. and hopefully this will further triggers many other writings. So do stay tuned.