*deep breath*
i am having a food review blog with my dearest buu!
ehem, sorry for the not so gracious laugh, but finally, our first baby blog was born. Have been planning for a while now, but never put into real action. Both of us have the same crave and appetite for food. In fact, our usual date always end up with bloated stoamch. Buu used to be a cute chubby fat boy during his puberty days, However, he had put a lot of effort and thousand hours of jogging to get to his current shape, *see, not only gals wanna stay pretty and thin*. i do worried that i might cause all his effort going down the drain, BUT amazingly, he still able to stay fit with our constant 'grandous' dining out, thanks to thousands hours more of jogging.
Thank God that I have the advantage of not easily get fat. Eat thousands calories of pork fat and yet it didnt turns into lipid. thats why i must have this food blog project with buu, so that i can eat more and blog more to ensure that this heavenly gift does not wasted.

*Gosh, i do look like a profesional food taster right?*
cant wait for the entry of the first post. OH, by the way the link is alimento.wordpress.com.
Alimento para todos!!